Serious power outage, BillMonk down

We're sorry to report that BillMonk will be down for the next few hours due to a serious power outage in our area. According to estimates from Seattle City Light, we won't be back up until 7pm PST. The apparent cause of the failure is a faulty transformer.

We apologize for this inconvenience and will be back up as soon as the power returns.

[Update 3:20pm]

We're back up, using a generator. Whew!

We're going to move our servers to a colocation facility soon. This is something that we had planned to do later this summer when we needed to scale, but will move this up in the schedule to improve service reliability. Once again, we apologize for the downtime.

7 Responses to “Serious power outage, BillMonk down”

  1. darius Says:

    Great to see how responsive you guys are!

  2. shiva Says:

    what happend to this billmonk. i m in serious situation, i gotta get 1500 usd from my roomates, i dont know how to split now, let me know how long does this site will be down .

  3. babu Says:

    Please let us know when it will be back ???

  4. ABC Says:

    It would be great if BillMonk guys can email everybody their balance sheets.

  5. Raj Says:

    It is again down!

  6. Amit Says:

    Can you please send the balance sheets on email. Thanks.

  7. aravind Says:

    HI ! Atleast you should have let us know via email before you would make it down . We could have grabbed all our information from it before the site went down. Also a lot of bugs in the site when tried to do stuff . Now its down and we have no idea what even the near figures of what we owe or what others owe are .
    Please shoot me my balances to my email so that we can settle the accounts . Thanks . Apprecaite that it is a free service . But I wouldnt even mind paying for it if it is a faster discontinuous service .


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